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Sari's Story:

   When I was 4 years old, we had a horse named Boo. She was a young mare, blue roan, and untrained. At the time, our family didn't know enough about horses, so she was eventually sold. But after I sat on her back one time, I had been bitten

by the "horse bug". Ever after we sold Boo, I begged for a horse harder than I can imagine I did! Then when I was 8 years old, we got two rescue horses. Mine was named Stormy, after much consideration, and my brother's ended up as Thunder. They fit together perfectly! Stormy is a bay appaloosa, with a snowcap blanket, and Thunder is a grey with an extremely yellow mane. We ended up selling Thunder about a year after because he was so much to handle, but Stormy was always our go-to horse. The way we rode our horses back then makes me shudder now. The way we rode was you said your prayers, then either stayed on or broke your neck! We rode bareback and we were reckless. I have been in more accidents in those 5 years than in the rest of my life. Stormy may have been small (she was actually a pony, at 14.1 hh), but she was fast and smart. She knew her numbers, and she would run away with any inexperienced rider, which at the time would have been all of us. The worst part about this is she was so fast. She broke one quarter mile world record at the age of 2! She had the ability to break more of the longer ones when I look back on it, but for some reason I never clocked her on any distance longer than 1/4 mile. Which only made her runaways all the more dangerous, right? Then we got Chloe, another pony. She was a dark, liver chestnut Hackney Pony/POA cross, standing 13.1 hh. She was diagnosed with Glaucoma shortly after we got her, and only lived another year and a half before her eyes hurt so bad that medication could no longer keep it under control; she was euthanized on Canadian Thanksgiving weekend. Then that same December, we bought Morning Star, a bay Foundation Quarter Horse with three socks and one coronet spot, and a star, hence her name. She and Stormy are both still with us, but added to the herd are 2 stallions, a bay tobiano Pintabian, CR Royale Coppersin, and a dunalino Quarter Horse by the name of Horton's Triple Skip. Coppersin, whom we call Gypsy, is mine and stands at stud. I bought him April 8th, 2017. Horton, whom we call Stetson, is my brother's, and stands only at private stud. Ken bought him on April28th, only 16 hours after seeing his for sale ad. 

Last year, February, we moved from Roblin MB to Creston BC, to a quiet farm in Wynndel where not much at all is going on as far as distractions. It is a quiet peaceful place with GREAT neighbors and lots of view! There are many trails in the back for riding on. Me and my brother went up one this summer, and the view you had from way up there was SUPERB! It wasn't easy to get there though. It is an un-used trail and has a lot of obstacles, many of which Stormy and Star had never seen before. All over, it is a great place and neighborhood, and I would advise anybody to live here! ;) 

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