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Horton's Triple Skip joins Tranquil Brookside Equine in a hasty decision after hair-raising beet

So first, you will want to hear about the beet pulp. I had 2 horses at the pasture I rent for training, along with my two mares, Stormy and Star. Well, the owners drove past on Sunday morning, and decided to stop and check on their old friends... within minutes of seeing them, they went and got their trailer to bring them to the vet. One of them, Mutt, was incredibly sick. She had horrible nasal discharge, and was making strange intestinal noises all the way down her throat, from jaw to chest. She was COVERED in sweat, and wasn't eating or drinking. They got her to the vet, and the vet immediately shoved a tube or two up her throat, and 3 or 4 gallons of beet pulp was flushed out of her throat! It was not us, nor was it them. It cannot have been a good samaritan, because otherwise all the horses would've gotten beet pulp, right? At the time there were no security cams set up. We still haven't a clue who did it. That was the 24th of April, and we haven't had any more incidents since.

Now, on to Horton's Triple Skip...

Thursday evening, April 27th, I happened to be on Kijiji and I ran a stallion search in BC. And sitting right there, in front of my own eyes, was an ad for the stallion we'd taken a mare to in 2016. The title read, "Registered Dunalino stallion for sale, $500". I literally did a double take. $500 for a stallion as impressive as Horton?!? No way! I clicked on the ad, and discovered that they had priced him like that so he would go fast just because they needed his pen for some boarders geldings. The ad had just been posted an hour ago, and had lots of views already. So I snapped up the chance, saying we'd be interested. Of course, Laurel being the great person she is, she told some of the people that were coming to look that morning that he was taken, so that we could come pick him up that afternoon. And pick him up we did. He loaded nicely into our small 2-horse, backed out good, and settled into his pasture quite well. Welcome to Tranquil Brookside, Horton's Triple Skip!

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